people, communities, stories and organizations who

  • are willing to provide financial funding or other resources
  • want to promote more equality as associates, coworkers or volunteers
  • are in need of innovative solutions
  • have made ground-braking developments that contribute to significantly improve life circumstances

You have resources dedicated to create impact?

I will help you allocate them.

It is my goal to support you in putting your available resources to those projects and developments that fit your scope of action and that may create a sustainable impact? I am dedicated to making that work.

You want become active yourself?

Let’s join to make it happen.

This is just the beginning. I am building up a team of people, individual by individual, project by project. If you feel attracted by the scope of “Promoting Equality” just get in touch! I am open.

You have a solution?

I will help you link to the people who need it.

The scope of solutions I am working with is quite broad. The main scope is technical solutions, energy generation and supply, sustainable societal impact. If you think your solution represents a paradigm shift, has the potential to significantly improve living conditions and needs help to become alive, please contact me!