My portfolio of projects is quite colorful. Whereas my focus has been managing EU-funded projects in the recent past I’ve had the privilege to develop and implement many different projects. Here are some projects I’m presently active in:
Phy2Climate – EU-funded project, representing an Austrian funding expert, ITS Förderberatung. The project goal is to examine the combination of phytormediation (soil decontamination) and biofuel production. As work-package leader, I’m in charge of the economic evaluation and business modelling.
Innoquality Systems – Irish company dedicated to EU-funded research and development projects. Representing and promoting this company as director and supporting several projects, mostly within the ERASMUS+ program.
CALMA-TEC – Development of innovative noise-protection systems for road and railways. Project management and partnering for licensing and sustainable success.
Other projects (active and archive)
– Memoire-writing – capturing the wealth of human experience by writing their memoires
– 2030 SDGs game – an interactive role-play for groups from 6-50 people (per group) to understand the dynamics of sustainable development
– Ugo Ghini – promoting arts and fashion business
– Team-building and strategy planning – outdoor and indoor-workshops
– Coaching and personal development book “Wasserkraft”
– Fall-protection device to prevent hanging-trauma
– Health and safety device against sudden infant death
– Small scale (recycling) plastic extrusion machine
– Insect farming as a food resource of the future
– IT-sales for award management software